Nov 4, 2010

From my library to yours: Writing Picture books.

A must have if you want to know what makes a strong story to tell children ( and adult as well) and how to write it and re-write it as well as revise it. And not just about what makes a good story, but it gives great tips on creating strong characters. It will give you from "before you write a story"  to "after you finish you story" procedures. And at the end of every chapter  you will be given homework to do, from research, exercises and reading material. You have in your hands a little school of children writing education or a bible of children writing. I know I will reread this over and over and over again. 

PS: Oh by the way if writing poetry scares you, then definitely get this book, it has a whole chapter on poetry and how you can began to have fun with it and not get stressed. Remember practice makes the master.

Here is the book trailer:

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