Apr 16, 2011

Look! Look! New Illustrations.

The Little Prince

Life of Pi
I'm happy to have finished these two new pieces to add to my portfolio( it was time for new work). Each are based on one of my favorite books.


  1. I love the one for The Little Prince! I haven't read Life of Pi, but now I may have to.

  2. Jaw drops to floor.

    Wow. You really took that little prince sketch to enormous heights. That looks fantastic!

    I love both of these. I love the wave/pulse of the sea life beneath the tiger and the boy. The colors in little prince are so unique to you. I am really getting a feel for your color sensibilities.

    Wonderful work!

  3. Thanks Sara! and yes it's a must read, hope you enjoy it!

    Thanks Rubin!!! Yesh I love working with warmer tones, and always struggle a bit wit the cool tones, working on it though :D!
