Feb 16, 2010

Faeries for Real!

Today's week of from my library to yours I'm showing a favorite of mine. It was given to me in a box of used books. It has been an important addition to my library. Here it is:
Faeries by Brian Freud and Alan lee.
Here are some pictures from the inside of he book
Both Brian Froud and Alan Lee are two illustrators I drool anytime i see their work. I love how they work with their watercolors and pencils. Alan lee is the artist behind the concept work of the trilogy of The Lord of the Rings( no wonder I loved those movies) and Brian freud is behind the concept work of the classic cult films "Labyrinth" and "The Dark Crystal". The way this book is organized, is as if they were to explore and sketches the life of magical creatures in a journal and they published such journal. I llove how in certain areas of the book, the type used is the artists handwriting.

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