Feb 17, 2010

A little world for you

I'm enamored with Helen Musselwhite, an ecollustrator from the U.K. So she creates beautiful cut outs with a british accent to it(lovely). It's not just the cutouts, but that these cutouts have all this patterns within themselves, she picks the right harmony of colors, and has a great eye for composition as well as her character design. I got to give to her, she has quite a steady hand and the patience of an angel(I bet I could end up with uneven cut outs and paper cuts on every curve of my hands!) Here is what she says about her work "By the use of bold colour, strong graphic line and familiar images I create highly individual and visually appealing pieces of art that make an instant impact. My work has a distinctive hand crafted quality that pays respect to all forms of mid century design, folk and ethnic art, as well as current and future trends.". I'm a big fan of work  influenced by folk and ethnic art so no wonder I love her. Anyway here is a peek of some of her work borrowed form her site. You'll see I'm not just all talk, she's the real thing.
My favorite are the glass domes of course
Go see more of her amazing work at her website www.helenmusselwhite.com  

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